
World of Haiku (now Haiku Online), is the future of Cyber Security education.

Merging elements of gaming and education, WoH seamlessly create a fun, flashy and retro-futuristic road to your cybersecurity career.


Haiku Inc. tasked me with illustrating an insert page featuring three to four original characters in a quickguide ad for San Diego Comicon Special Edition 2021.

Requirements included:

  • Advertisement copy from game writers & marketing

  • Game logo

  • 3-4 original game characters

  • Include company name

  • Potential release date

Character Design Development

During this process, I provided a pool of different designs to be tested with team members.

After a few iterations of each design, I pushed forward with turnaround style sheets then went

on with the same process with the illustration’s potential composition.

Final Product

Illustration Process


Haiku Inc. tasked me with illustrating an insert page featuring three to four original characters in a quickguide ad for San Diego Comicon Special Edition 2021.

Requirements included:

  • Advertisement copy from game writers & marketing

  • Game logo

  • 3-4 original game characters

  • Include company name

  • Potential release date


World of Haiku (now Haiku Online), is the future of Cyber Security education.

Merging elements of gaming and education, WoH seamlessly create a fun, flashy and retro-futuristic road to your cybersecurity career.

Character Design Development

During this process, I provided a pool of different designs to be tested with team members.

After a few iterations of each design, I pushed forward with turnaround style sheets then went on with the same process with the illustration’s potential composition.

Illustration Process

Santa Clara, CA

Character Design Development

During this process, I provided a pool of different designs to be tested with team members.

After a few iterations of each design, I pushed forward with turnaround style sheets then went on with the same process with the illustration’s potential composition.

Illustration Process

Final Product


World of Haiku (now Haiku Online), is the future of Cyber Security education.

Merging elements of gaming and education, WoH seamlessly create a fun, flashy and retro-futuristic road to your cybersecurity career.

Haiku Inc. tasked me with illustrating an insert page featuring three to four original characters in a quickguide ad for San Diego Comicon Special Edition 2021.

Requirements included:

  • Advertisement copy from game writers & marketing

  • Game logo

  • 3-4 original game characters

  • Include company name

  • Potential release date


Santa Clara, CA

Santa Clara, CA